ccs fast charger in Delhi

Ways To Charge Your EV (Electric Vehicle) Easily

The traditional transportation system poses two major interruptions in the lives of consumers, namely increased carbon emissions and rising oil costs. To put an end to the dilemma of managing the above-stated issues, EV or electric vehicles are being promoted to maintain eco-friendly transportation and eliminate the dependency on oil (fuel) usage. Additionally, the operational challenges related to charging and keeping the automobile accessible, a comprehensive approach on charging infrastructure is being planned by the Indian Government, according to the type of EVs. From the allocation of fast chargers, battery chargers, and the installation of battery charging stations, the automated system is gradually facilitating to EV owners to access the services without any hindrance. 

Besides, it the robust charging infrastructure with the rapid operational speed needs to be explored while considering the best charger for the electric vehicle. India has set on the journey to become the leader in the implementation of sustainable transportation with the adoption of EVs while improving economic growth and working towards public welfare. In terms of the charging facilities for electric vehicles, over 1500 EV charging stations have been set up in India. Specifically, the growth of ccs fast charger in Delhi is unmatched and it has become the globally accepted charging standard due to its convenient accessibility and efficient speed to recharge an EV. 

Undoubtedly, people who own EVs are looking for simplified, yet, resourceful options to recharge their vehicle. Whether it is the overall approach of charging, efficiency, accessibility to the charging infrastructure . When choosing the best charger for your EV, consider factors like charging speed and the availability of charging points near you. Apps and online resources can help you find “charging point near me” options, ensuring convenient locations for charging on the go. Let’s discuss some of the tips that will make the charging session of the EV easier and better, based on the type of electric vehicle.

Options to charge EVs in a hassle-free manner 

Planning a long drive is one of the insightful decisions for EV owners as they need to think about the charging capacity and whether the battery will be sufficient to complete the trip. On top of it, if the public EV charging stations have to be counted on, then, the speed of charging, availability and cost-effectiveness need to be assessed, beforehand. Contrarily, the following ways of charging your electric vehicles will fetch better outcomes: 

  1. Level 1 DC charging for EV 

Plugging in the DC level 1 charger to recharge EVs through the charging infrastructure available at home or installed in the vehicle is the easiest option to count on. As a part of this step, the 120-volt socket can be installed at home to execute the charging process of EV. In fact, by accessing the level DC charging, the EV can be recharged at home without going anywhere. This charging option is less expensive, but, may consume more time to recharge your electric vehicle.

  1. Level 2 DC charging 

The Level 2 EV charging setup is comparatively more efficient than the Level 1 DC charger installed at home. Apart from the fast charging, the battery health of EV chargers also gets retained. Additionally, this EV charging setup is designated just for electric vehicles and cannot be used for other purposes. 

  1. Level 3 DC fast charging 

If you are short of time and looking for an efficient and reliable charging option for EV, then, the Level 3 DC fast charging through its designated charging station. On a practical note, the ccs fast charger in Delhi of Level 3 EV is highly used by electric automobile manufacturers. But, it is highly recommended to check the compatibility of the electric vehicle with the connector available at the EV charging station. 

Choose the right charging option by choosing Electriva’s EV charging point 

The pros and cons of slow-speed and fast-speed charging options designated for electric vehicles need to be evaluated before availing the EV charging services. In case, you do not use your vehicle overnight and do not have a hurry to recharge your automobile, then, the Level 1 slow charging for EV can be selected. It will take up to 5 hours to charge the battery of the EV. The cost of this option of charging is also cheaper than the fast EV charging stations. Nevertheless, if you are planning to explore aspects like off-peak or smart EV charging, facilities to charge EVs available at retail places, and other expert recommendations related to the fast chargers for your electric vehicles, then, reach out to Electriva, the one-stop EV charging solution at!

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Electriva Has Installed DC Fast Charging Station At Trivandrum

The economic essentiality of electric vehicles (EVs) is increasing exponentially. Over time, the significance of the charging infrastructure of EVs has changed for the better. The essentiality of accessing the best charging points for EVs cannot be overstated. There are various charging options available for the modern electronic vehicles. However, the DC fast charging stations have emerged as a game-changer. Why? The unparalleled speed and convenience of the fast charging stations have benefitted thousands of EV users. 

Charge without worries with ElectriVa

ElectriVA, a trusted partner for EV owners and businesses associated with electronic vehicles has a prime role in the process. Our company is among the fastest-growing EV charging point operators in the Indian market. In a short span, we have established our presence across India with diversified amenities. The charging points exhibit the best analytical tools, and state-of-the-art infrastructure, promoting clean mobility for EVs. 

ElectriVa has established charging station in Trivandrum with a fast-charging infrastructure. The charging station is ideal to address the dynamic requirements of consumers with maximized resources. Our objective is to reduce the vehicular carbon footprints, with the use of high-speed chargers. Our charging resources do not impact the ecological balance. 

Uninterrupted charging – What makes ElevtriVa the pioneer?

The open platform for charging electric vehicles with maximized speed and zero interruption makes the branded operator the best in the field. With the best charging solutions, ensure affordable, efficient, and powerful charging sessions for the EV. The DC fast charging station in Trivandrum by ElectriVa has outperformed the rest. It has facilitated the EV charging needs of B2B and B2C segments. 

Charging convenience for Trivandrum EV users – The need of the hour!

Over time, the essentiality of the automated system for electric vehicles has been enhanced to the next level. It is integral to create a comprehensive and simple-to-operate console for EVs. The charging setup EVs in Kerala is cost-effective and efficient for the extensive resources backed by ElectriVa.  

Ensure fast charging – Impeccable power output

Fast charging is among the primary features expected at a charging station in Trivandrum. The DC fast charging stations exhibit an exceptional charging speed. These are unique and distinct from the AC chargers, which take hours to refill an EV’s battery. The modern DC fast chargers can charge in a few minutes. The rapid charging capacity makes them ideal for all users while driving outside. Say bye-bye to the unwanted and long waiting times at the charging stations. DC fast chargers deliver a high power output and energy to the EV battery in a short period. 

Compatible solutions for EV charging – A convenient choice

Modern electric vehicles are enhancing with time. Over time, the capacity of EV batteries is increasing. DC fast charging stations can accommodate modern batteries, ensuring the requirements of the latest EV models. The enhanced compatibility makes them ideal and a future-proof investment for charging infrastructure providers and EV developers in the industry. DC fast charging stations boost the charging needs during long-distance travel, helping electric vehicle owners. The strategically placed charging stations in Kerala along the highways and travel routes, make the quick and efficient charging ideal from all ways.

Promoting the best EV solutions – The growing essentiality

Governments (state and central) have understood the importance of expanding the electric vehicle charging infrastructure inside the country (including India). The government of India has offered incentives and launched support programs to facilitate the installation and maintenance of the DC fast charging stations. 

The government initiatives encourage the use of EVs by private and public entities. The increasing number of charging station in Trivandrum makes it convenient for them to invest in the electric mobility ecosystem. The best-in-class DC fast charging stations contribute to the EV sustainability index, boosting the electric vehicle ecosystem to the next level. The fast charging times have reduced the need for multiple charging sessions. With the best charging infrastructure, one can resolve the needs conveniently.

Summing up

The world is shifting towards a sustainable and electrified future. The use of EVs with an increased number of charging points has reflected the overall awareness of the users. Decode the role of DC fast charging stations in and outside Kerala and make a futuristic choice. 

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Ev charging station for e-auto

Gas? Who Needs Gas? EV Charging Station For E-auto

The discussions for ways to preserve the planet and its environment are getting hotter and more dynamic worldwide, with which we are looking for greener options in every life aspect. Even in transportation, research and investigations have been ripe for greener choices. Electricity-driven vehicles are the direct outcome of the massive research for environmentally friendly vehicles. As our vehicle designs change, their fuelling requirements have also changed. 

New and matching charging stations

The modern age of electric cars requires EV charging stations for e-auto. As the charging station name indicates, these stations are much different from the conventional gas refueling stations we know. In sync with the electricity-driven car nature, the charging stations offer electricity charging for cars, not petroleum and related products. Since the modern age, EV cars run on electricity, when they need charging, they are connected to the AC or DC circuits, and they get charged up for further performance. With the growing numbers of e-cars, gas refueling stations are slowly becoming a thing of the past.

The new-age charging station

For the unversed, the new-age EV charging stations are nothing like the old gas stations. The overall infrastructure, operation mode, and style of the EV charging stations are much more sophisticated and technology-driven. Human intervention is much less than we saw in the earlier gas stations. The functionality mode of the new V charging stations mainly runs on a self-service basis. The car drivers and owners will come down to the place, follow the instructions of the place, and refuel their cars in no time. 

Safe and secure

Just like the electricity-driven cars, the charging stations will offer increased safety and security to the world, its people, and the environment. The modern EV charging station for e-auto is run based on IoT. As a result, all customers EV car owners, and drivers can be sure of getting better support from the charging stations. These charging stations mainly work based on self-service. There are many charging points to which drivers can easily connect their cars and start charging their cars in no time. Some of the latest and ace technology contribute to AC and DC charging of the cars. Hence, your car charging will be complete in no time.

Suits every pocket

One of the best aspects of these EV charging stations and their charging support is that they are much less costly than gas refueling. With the growing scarcity of petroleum products, gas car driving has become expensive. Not every person in India can afford to own and drive their vehicle. However, with the all-new EV cars, the scenario will change very fast. Due to the car model and design and cheaper refueling options, now a broader spectrum of people can afford to own these cars and use them for their personal use.

Upcoming phenomenon

Many people feel that the EV charging stations are not adequate in their numbers. In answer to this statement, it can be said that several of these EV charging stations are coming up in the urban areas of India. There are several of these charging stations on the national highways connecting various metropolitan cities and many places and points in the main cities of the nation. The latest technology and infrastructure facilities contribute to making these charging stations highly commendable, stylish, and sleek. One look at these stations will convey their superior planning compared to the traditional general gas stations. 

Energy point

The EV charging stations draw their power from the electricity grids of the urban region. Leading metropolitan cities in India have developed their electricity distribution strength and span adequately to support the new and upcoming EV charging stations. Hence the power supply to the place is stable and secure. Customers can be sure of steady service all through the day and night. The energy supply is enough to support all the electric cars in the city. Since the users and the drivers of EV cars have become sure of the energy quality and their availability at different urban centers, they can move out to various distances without the fear of running out of charge and being stranded in the middle of nowhere.

Growing e-auto popularity

The top quality EV charging stations are one of the main reasons that explain the growing e-auto popularity. Electricity-driven cars are the national transportation future. The EV cars are environmentally friendly and affordable in their running and maintenance costs. A broader spectrum of users can buy these cars for their personal use. The rising number of EV charging stations for e-autos has encouraged interested buyers to invest in e-autos without worrying about the support they will get in India to run their vehicles freely. Modern EV charging stations try to serve all their customers optimally through the best quality products and services. 

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Ev dc fast charging in Delhi

What Role Does Public And Private Collaboration Play In The Development And Expansion Of EV DC Fast Charging Infrastructure In Delhi?

The development of metropolitan scenes is a complex dance between open organizations and confidential endeavors, a tango of interests and desires. Delhi, the clamoring heart of India, typifies this intricacy as it explores the change toward a maintainable future. One of the vital features of this change is the turn of events and extension of Electric Vehicle (EV) fast charging foundation. This article dives into the tangled transaction among public and confidential entertainers, disentangling the complicated strings that weave the embroidery of progress in Delhi’s EV charging environment.

The Quest for Maintainable Mobility

Delhi, in the same way as other different cities, faces an existential test – the need to rethink its portability scene for a greener and more feasible tomorrow. The squeezing worries of air contamination, ozone-harming substance emanations, and gridlock constrain the city to look towards electric vehicles as an encouraging sign. In this excursion towards manageable portability of ev dc fast charging in Delhi, the job of public and confidential coordinated effort is evident.

Public Strategy: The Catalyst

The wheels of change in Delhi have gotten underway by various public approaches and guidelines. These act as the compass that directs the bearing of EV foundation improvement. The Delhi Electric Vehicle Strategy of 2020 stands as a demonstration of the public authority’s obligation to establish an EV-accommodating climate. It offers a variety of motivating forces, including monetary sponsorships, street charge exclusions, and free stopping to EV proprietors. These motivators animate interest in electric vehicles and boost the extension of the charging infrastructure.

Challenges in EV Charging Infrastructure

The excursion towards laying out a strong EV charging network in Delhi has its challenges. It’s a mind-boggling scene filled with perplexities. One of the chief difficulties is the deficiency of satisfactory charging infrastructure. EV reception generally depends upon the accessibility and openness of charging stations. Delhi, in the same way as other urban communities universally, wrestles with the chicken-and-egg difficulty – potential EV purchasers falter because of the shortage of charging foundations, while financial backers are reluctant to construct additional charging stations without an adequate client base.

The Public-Private Symbiosis

In this complicated trap of difficulties and potential open doors, the cooperation between open foundations and confidential undertakings arises as the key part of progress. Public-private organizations (PPPs) in the domain of EV charging infrastructure rise above conventional methods of collaboration. They involve a complicated understanding between government elements, service organizations, automakers, and new businesses, each with its one-of-a-kind job and desires.

Government Drives: Setting the Stage

The Delhi government assumes an essential part in making way for cooperation. It uses its administrative and monetary clout to establish a climate helpful for private speculation. Notwithstanding motivators for EV purchasers, it additionally offers impetuses to private substances ready to put resources into charging infrastructure. These motivations range from land distribution for charging stations to the waiver of power charges for ev dc fast charging in Delhi. Moreover, the public authority works with the cycle by speeding up licenses and endorsements, guaranteeing a smoother way for private financial backers.

Confidential Speculation: Filling the Void

Confidential endeavors, driven by benefit thought processes, have perceived the expanding EV market in Delhi as a rewarding and open door. They offer development and capital that might be of some value, fundamental components in defeating foundation challenges. New businesses like “ChargeMe” and laid-out energy monsters like Goodbye Power are cooperating with the public authority to lay out an organization of fast charging stations across the city. Their ventures support the infrastructure as well as act as a demonstration of the cooperative energy between open vision and confidential desire.

The Service Organizations’ Job: Fuelling the Future

Service organizations are vital entertainers in this harmonious relationship. They give the electrical spine after that, the charging infrastructure rests. Cooperation with service organizations is diverse, including matrix advancement, load the executives, and request determining. The requirement for collaboration is central to guarantee that EV charging doesn’t over-burden the network, causing power outages or failures.

Automakers: The Impetuses of Change

Automakers are likewise assuming a synergist part in improving EV charging foundations. Numerous car goliaths are putting resources into charging networks, understanding that the outcome of their EV models is unpredictably connected to the accessibility of charging stations. This cooperative energy among automakers and charging foundation suppliers can speed up the progress to electric versatility.

Developments in Charging Technology

The association between public and confidential substances reaches out to past speculations and motivators. It envelops the constant quest for advancement in charging innovation. Delhi, as a rambling city, requires fast and effective charging answers to take care of the different necessities of its occupants.

Progressed Charging Solutions

Public-private cooperation cultivates the improvement of cutting-edge charging arrangements. Fast charging stations are currently outfitted with state-of-the-art innovation, offering highlights like constant checking, distant administration, and installment mix. These developments upgrade the client experience, tending to one of the critical worries of potential EV purchasers.

Lattice Integration

Moreover, public and confidential entertainers investigate savvy lattice mixes to upgrade energy use and decrease costs. The coordinated effort empowers the production of charging networks that can shrewdly oversee energy interest, drawing power during off-top hours or when sustainable power sources are plentiful.

Interoperability and Standardization

The harmonization of charging norms is one more feature of this cooperation. Public organizations work with private charging network suppliers to guarantee interoperability and normalization of charging connectors and conventions. This guarantees that EV clients can charge their vehicles at any charging station, no matter what the supplier, cultivating a consistent encounter.

Information Driven Insights

Information is the backbone of present-day foundation advancement. Public-private associations work with the assortment and sharing of information connected with EV charging utilization. This information-driven approach considers better preparation, development, and enhancement of charging infrastructure.

Monetary Models and Income-Sharing

The coordinated effort among public and confidential substances likewise stretches out to monetary models and income sharing. Creative models, for example, income sharing arrangements, empower privately owned businesses to recover their speculations while guaranteeing reasonable and serious buyer charging rates.

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ev charging station near south ex market

Best Practices For Charging Electric Vehicles At Offices

The fact is that the number of Electric vehicles has increased on Indian roads. Many people are switching to electric vehicles to do their bit to save the planet and appear cool! Some of your employees might be bringing their EVs to the workplace. Hence, you should establish best practices concerning charging EVs at your office.

Effective office EV charging policies  

Effective workplace electric vehicle charging policies for EV drivers comprise enforceable rules on using available workplace charging stations. It is necessary to implement policies that clearly state where all employees should park their vehicles, an EV or a conventional one. 

Motivate EV drivers

Besides framing policies, effective employers should develop a viable environment. Drivers should be encouraged to follow established best practices concerning using charging stations, thereby reducing charging conflicts. Incorporate behavioral norms and best practices within charging station policies. You may even consider encouraging its use without establishing a formal charging policy. The latter is effective in case of low demand for workplace charging.

Networked stations

Organizations can evaluate overall system usage with digitally networked stations. They can also identify potential solutions and shortcomings for EV charging stations in India. Times of use, usage level, energy factors, duration, and vehicle type are some parameters that need evaluation and constant monitoring. Although installing networked stations is expensive and involves monthly service fees, many organizations favor it.

Driver communication network

A well-developed communication link is desired between EV drivers using office charging stations. It helps streamline station usage or prevent conflicts. Often, individual organizations develop custom communication networks based on existing programs or systems. It might include a shared contact list, interoffice email group, social media group, or calendar-based reservation systems. 

Charging network for visitors

Charging stations installed at the workplace can also be shared with visitors, clients, and customers. In such a case, information should be posted in a visible space at the station, allowing visitor-regular communication. Thus, the EV visitor driver can enquire about space to charge their vehicle during their stay. Such a communication network can help new drivers eager to power their cars at work. They are to coordinate with other users at the charging station.

Charging sharing etiquettes

At times EVs might exceed the available capacity at the charging station. In such circumstances, EVs that have completed charging are shifted to another place. It enables others to use the station. Workplace scenario is common for Levels-2 charging stations. However, EVs’ range is not hampered since most commuting EVs get charged fully after 4 hours.

Charging time

Policies should be implemented to limit the duration when EVs can be powered at work. Cars can be powered at the office charging station either after or before lunch break. Once fully charged, EVs can leave the parking space to accommodate others who need charging. It should be part of the charging policy. Charging schedules should be circulated amongst EV drivers. The topic should be discussed with employees, and appropriate action taken based on individual schedules. 

Avoiding rush

With comprehensive charging policies in place, every EV driver will have easy and quick access to the charging station. No one will have to rush to the station to access the charger. Several organizations are noticed to have fewer chargers and need more EVs to be charged! Thus, implementing well-drafted workplace charging policies helps support charge sharing among EV drivers.

Challenges faced

EV drivers, however, have one major complaint stating that they need to move their EVs during the workday. It causes them inconvenience and disruption, especially if their vehicles need parking at a distance. Usually, charging station cords are lengthy enough to reach ports on different EVs. Hence, the charging station placed amongst two parking spaces is accessible by those vehicles. 

Infrastructure design

The charging station’s design should be such that it gets used to the optimum. The infrastructure should accommodate empty parking spaces and stand-by EV charging areas for vehicles not charged currently. High-priority locations should have more reserved spaces to accommodate EVs. This strategy works best if chargers are placed in convenient parking areas and not in too high-profile areas. 

Sharing charging stations

If more than one vehicle can access a charging station, the EV driver might have to remove the chord from the fully-charged EV. Establishing acceptable etiquette can help avoid conflicts among drivers. Electric vehicles are better unplugged after it is fully charged. The driver can park his EV beside the charging one, leaving the charging port open to indicate they desire to get plugged in once its charging is complete in the other vehicle. 

Implementing workplace policies

With electric cars increasing on the roads, workplace charging is gaining importance nowadays. Workplace charge is a convenience for employees and a challenge for management. Establishing workplace charging best practices helps overcome challenges. Hence, employers should consider energy costs, infrastructure, and access. Well-established best practices ensure charging stations get used to the optimum.

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Increasing EVs and government regulations on charging station setup

The central government has been trying to develop a robust infrastructure as urban citizens are more inclined to adopt EVs. Thus, more emphasis is being given to the electrification process on a priority basis of petrol pumps all over the country. in April 2019, the government approved FAME (Faster Adoption & Manufacturing of Electric (& Hybrid) vehicles scheme. Also, the Power Ministry had given out an official address expressing the need to launch Public Charging Stations all over the country. 

Who is eligible to set up public charging stations?

The document issued by the concerned authorities states that any entity or individual can launch a public charging station. They need to ensure that these stations meet the set protocols, performance, and technical standards. These guidelines have been set clearly by the Central Electricity Authority and Power Ministry. Although such guidelines are in place, a good number of EV owners tend to face problems arising from a lack of charging stations. 

Challenges faced by EV owners

Some society buildings have denied permission to EV owners to install charging stations, especially in their society building’s parking area. So, charging the EV scooter or car becomes a massive challenge for those living in high-rise apartments. To help such owners, it has become important to educate the mass about the urgent need to develop an EV charging infrastructure. Others can conveniently visit the nearest EV charging point in Delhi to get their vehicle charged quickly.

What should you be aware of as an Electric Vehicle owner?

As an EV owner, you need to be aware of your rights. If residing in a society building, then you should know what legal demands you can make from the society members about charging your EV vehicle. It is not always possible to take your electric scooter and charge it inside your home as there is always the risk of fire and shock. 

What you can do to charge your vehicle?

Concerning personal charge point insulation, the authorities at Smart Grid & Electric Vehicles’ had given out a statement. According to them, EV owners residing in apartment complexes can establish charging points using their existing power connections. Their officials also have been conducting camps at several apartment complexes for creating awareness among the public. The campaigns also are made for facilitating charging infrastructure.

EV charging facilities in buildings

The government has been providing EV owners with lucrative incentives and subsidies. Residential communities are also provided with certain mandates to follow. MoHUA (Housing & Urban Affairs Ministry) recently amended the 2016 MBBL (Model Building Byelaws) to accommodate EV charging provisions in buildings. Certain amendments also have been introduced to boost semi-public charging station insulation in community premises. Residential housing societies, Under Sec. 10.4 are to provide EVs with charging facilities at 20% of the total ‘vehicle parking/holding capacity at their premises. 

Other rules implemented

Besides the above, building premises also have been mandated to set up additional power loads. It should be equivalent to the power that is desired to operate simultaneously all charging points with a 1.25 safety factor. Such amendments are to be abided by all buildings. It includes both residential and commercial societies. The only exception made here is independent residences. In case you are unable to derive a solution to charge your EV battery, then you may drive to the EV charging station in Lajpat nagar.

EV battery health maintenance

In any Electric Vehicle, irrespective of its brand, the battery is undoubtedly the most vital part. It is a fully functional, fully charged battery that powers the vehicle. It is also quite expensive and has evolved over time. Hence, it is your duty as an owner to maintain it properly so that it remains functional for a long time until it is time to be replaced with a new one. 

Will it be safe to leave your EV plugged in overnight?

You may perhaps have the habit to leave your rechargeable items like iPods and phones to get charged overnight. The common issue faced with such acts is that it causes the battery to degrade fast. Will the same thing occur with your EV if you leave it in the charging position all the time? EVs are designed with systems that ensure the battery does not get overcharged. Hence, it is safe to leave them plugged in overnight!

Preserving the battery

If your EV battery is not in use, then it is your duty to ensure it is well preserved. If sources are to be believed, it is stated that keeping EVs plugged in even if not in use is a wise strategy. It will ensure that your EV stays fully charged all the time. You don’t have to worry about losing your charge only to get stranded in the middle of the road. 

How do EVs prevent their batteries from getting overcharged?

The system created in the EV is designed to detect how close the battery is to get fully charged. Once it gets the signal, the charging process starts to slow down automatically without anyone’s intervention. Moreover, the vehicle uses a special method referred to as ‘Trickle Charging’. This is to maintain intelligently a full battery charge without actually overdoing it. Then, the EVs onboard systems start to monitor as well as allocated dynamically the required charge. 

Go through the owner’s manual

When buying an Electric Vehicle, you are sure to be provided with an Owner’s Manual. You are strongly recommended to go through it sincerely and understand how to use and maintain the vehicle as well as the battery. Different vehicles are created in diverse ways. Hence, they could warrant different treatment. You need to know how to maintain your EV battery, thus ensuring you enjoy driving your EV whenever and wherever you desire to.

Charging the EV

You may choose to charge your Electric Vehicle at your home as mentioned above. But then the benefits offered by EV charging stations near the south ex market are many. You just need to take your vehicle to the nearest charging point. Although you have to wait for a few minutes for your vehicle to get fully charged, you can be assured of driving without any hiccups through the busy Indian roads.

Choose a reliable charging station

If you have finalized taking your EV to a charging station, then make sure it is reliable and fits perfectly the ‘charging’ needs of your type of vehicle. Being compliant will mean, you can be free from unwanted hassles. Simply check the app to find out a charging point close to your office, home, or wherever you travel!

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ev charging station

Why AC household charge using Wallbox is favored over the Trickle charge method?

The Trickle Charge method is known to use domestic household electricity to charge the EV. There might be problems related to electrical loads and electrical bills. Hence, this particular charging solution is better used with extreme caution. Also, it will be wise to discuss with the electricity provider prior to its use. To ensure peace of mind and optimum reliability, you are recommended to install In-Cable Control Box (ICCB). Otherwise, opt for an AC household charge using Wallbox to charge your EV!

1. Public Charging Stations

In today’s ever-growing network, these stations are located conveniently and spread across urban centers. Thus, if you own an EV, then you don’t have to search high and low to charge it. You may simply download an app on your smartphone and find the nearest charging station to top up your car’s battery quickly. You can even smartly travel longer distances without much trouble. Generally, public charging offers DC Fast Charging or AC Charging using wallbox. 

Which option should you choose?

Both DC Fast Charging and AC Charging using wallbox offer quick charging facilities when compared to charging at your home. Based on your EV’ AC charger handling capacity and charging station output, ACP Public Charging is found to be around 3-10 times much faster when compared to AC Household Charging. According to industry experts, all DC-based charging stations can be termed to be superfast in charging Electric Vehicles. 

DC Fast Chargers 
  • It is considered to be presently the fastest way for charging your EV car.
  • Its charging capacity in 40 minutes time is from 20% to 80%!
  • Charging power offered through 450V+ is above 50kkiW and current to about 125A.
  • DC Charge use is to be kept to the bare minimum. Doing so helps prolong the life of the high-voltage battery.
  • It uses Combo DC – CCS (Combined Charging System)
DC Vs. AC Charging – What you need to know

In India, Alternating Current (AC) is what the national grid supplies. However, for battery charge purposes, electric cars require using DC charging. 

  • DC fast charger is found to bypass the onboard charging device. Thus, the EV battery gets a direct power supply. DC Charger is found to be external to the vehicle. Hence it is neither constrained in cost nor size. This effectively means that it offers faster charging. 
  • AC Charger, on the other hand, supplies the onboard charger of the EV. AC power is then converted to DC, thereby ensuring proper battery charge. However, onboard charging device size is said to be limited by space. For this reason, the power that the battery can derive from AC Charger is quite low. It also means charging is very slow.
Which connector to choose for what kind of charging type?

Do you need to invest in an adapter that can work on different charging types and methods perfectly? The truth is that currently, no universal connector exists for all chargers and all EVs. However, there are different types of connectors that correspond with varying charging levels, thus allowing EV owners and drivers to enjoy fast charging of their EV cars in less time.

  • DC Charging Connectors: SAE and CHAdeMO are considered to be the commonly used conductors. However, they both are not interchangeable. You cannot charge an SAE Combo plug using a CHAdeMO port or vice versa. You may be planning to drive your electric car to the nearest EV charging stations in Delhi. But before that get to know your vehicle’s compatibility level with that of the available connectors. 
  • AC Charging Connectors: For AC Household Charging, the commonly availed AC sockets are Type 1 and 2 connectors. Generally, when you purchase an EV vehicle, be it a scooter or car, the company will provide you with a charge. But with AC chargers, charging time will be very high. You can reduce this time by visiting a charging station close to your home or office. 
How do EV chargers prove to be useful to make cities resilient and equitable?

Although India is a developing country, the government is found to be fully committed to reducing pollution considerably. It has passed out several norms, rules, and regulations for industries to use and manufacture equipment and items that produce less pollution in whatever form. EV vehicles are indeed a boon to the global environment and so are charging stations. To promote Electric Vehicles of all sizes and shapes, the government has been offering subsidies to customers. 

The need to reduce the impact of climate change

It is found that in decades of using fossil fuels, the level of pollution has increased considerably. This, in turn, has led to global warming which is only getting serious with each passing day. Changing weather patterns combined with increasing natural disasters the world over including in developed countries is sufficient proof that pollution needs to be minimized to the greatest possible extent to ensure the sustainability of the human race. 

Worsening air pollution in cities

A good number of cities in the country have been experiencing increasing pollution of which Delhi, the national capital tops the list. The condition is only found to become more severe during winter. The city environment has rather become dangerous and is impacted disproportionately by climate change. Ineffective air quality controls and underinvestment in infrastructure are found to make the situation worse. The installation of electriva charging stations across the different cities of the country is found to be a savior. 

Overcoming pollution and public transit issues

In a densely populated city like Delhi or other cities of the country, it is not just possible to phase away vehicles using fossil fuel. Without proper access to viable and cheap public transportation options, it is quite natural for communities to get barred from health, employment, and education opportunities. This puzzle can be solved by promoting electric vehicles and EV charging stations in Delhi

Promoting Electric Vehicles and Charging Stations

EV vehicles are undoubtedly a wonderful option to curb increasing pollution and to complement public transportation network expansion. To ensure this, it becomes essential to ensure equitable distribution of chargers. Electrification is found to protect health and clean local air. EVs also enable owners to save on maintenance and fuel costs. Thus, as an EV owner, you as the owner as well as the entire community can gain huge. At the same time, you will be doing your bit to control pollution. 

Affordable EVs

The fact is EVs using the latest technology and high-end battery for smooth operation have always been expensive. Even a decade ago, not many found it to be beneficial. However, evolving battery technology, better mileage, and more savings, combined with government subsidies have helped EVs to become a popular choice. With each passing day, you can find a good number of EVs on the road. 

Installation of Charging Stations

An increasing number of EVs in almost all cities of the country has prompted reputed companies to set up charging stations at accessible points. These stations are found to offer quick and affordable charges to EVs of all sizes, unlike private charging options. The government has also been supporting setting up such charging stations at different points to enable EV owners to get their vehicles charged without having to travel a long distance. 

Smart technology

The standalone charging stations is found to be both smart and ubiquitous. Distributed public charging helps tackle expensive charging costs, local air pollution, and transit deserts! New smart technologies are found to allow networks to serve communities in a better way. 

Cheaper charging options

Software used in the charging stations combined with longer parking sessions can help derive affordable electricity. Software in managed charging integrations controls charging speed and load. Prioritizing off-peak hours can ensure reduced power demands. Managing charging projects is found to reduce power demand by 45%. This helps diminish costs significantly and ensures reliability. Managing charging also helps clean air and incentivizes renewable generation. 

Community safety net

The newly developed technology allows parked EVs to save the community if there is experienced a blackout. EV batteries enabled with V2G (Vehicle-to-Grid) technologies have the power to send back power to the grid via bidirectional charging. Some places face the risk of climate disasters. In such conditions distributed V2G charger network can enable local vehicles to act as backup generators. Thus the community can be offered a safety net during any crisis. 

Other benefits of V2G technology

V2G similar to managed charging offers vehicle owners financial incentives. You can earn passive income by providing energy to the grid during peak costly hours. You may resort to using power during low cost times. A bidirectional charger project can help save a good amount of money every month when charging your fleet of vehicles. Thus, you can get paid for parking your EVs, thereby alleviating the cost burdens involved with owning EVs. 

Smart charging stations

These days, there is being launched smart EV charging stations across the country. EV charger in Delhi has been set up with the objective to help fast charge EVs thus saving owners precious money and time. These stations can help improve air quality considerably. EVs are no more a sci-fi dream, but an equitable and resilient technology that exists in reality. Thus, cities that are currently facing pollution caused by fuel-based vehicles can convert to greener ones by promoting EVs.

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What different methods are adopted to charge EVs?

Different methods can be adopted to charge the battery pack of your electric vehicle. First-time, new EV owners are likely to find this situation quite overwhelming. This is because of the presence of different types of connectors, fast charging, and normal charging methods. Which one will be found to be more suitable to their cause? But the answer is quite straightforward and not as complex as it is assumed to be. 

Things to consider

There are two main considerations to be taken into account. The first is the location where the owner decides to charge his/her vehicle. The second is how fast to charge the vehicle! Both are undoubtedly interconnected with one another. Moreover, charging speed is likely to be dependent upon the type of EV owned. Also should be understood the vehicle’s battery capacity as well as the type of charging system used. 

Know the charging types
  • DC Charge: It boosts quick EV charging. There has been installed DC fast charging having power of 50kW+ at public places. Using this technique, the battery can be topped up to 80% from a mere 20% within 40 minutes or so. Ultra-fast EV charging point in Delhi offers over 150kW thus, enabling fast charging EVs.
  • AC Charge: It comes installed in a wall box and allows charging 3 to 4 times faster with AC household charging. Also are available AC Public charging! These are also reliable chargers and can be counted upon not charging EVs of any type, size, and battery capacity. 
  • Trickle Charge: It is perhaps the slowest method to charge EVs in the home setting. 220V standard 3-prong plug is used for the purpose. However, it is better used by practicing extreme caution after consulting the electricity providers and only in urgent cases. 
Terminology to know

Charging stations are known by different terms, something you need to be aware of. However, all of the terms used to mean the same. Some of the commonly used terms are EV Supply Equipment (EVSE), charging outlet, charging station, charging port, charging plug, and charger. It will be essential to know more about EV charging systems to ensure deriving the best results and getting your electric vehicle charged quickly and efficiently. 

Public vs. Home Charging

You are provided with two options to charge your favorite EV. The first choice is to use one of the EV charging stations in Lajpat nagar or any other place in Delhi. It is indeed a wise choice made as it enables you to get your EV charged superfast, thus saving precious waiting time and energy. The second option is to charge your vehicle at home with a charger that is generally provided with the vehicle. 

Charging types and speed
  1. Home charging

Approximately 80 percent of charging EVs is done in the home setting. This is done mostly at night while you sleep, thus deriving a fully-charged battery the following morning. The charge availed is sufficient for average owners to meet their daily travel needs. Home charging is generally available in two types. These are AC household charges using the installed wallbox and the other Trickle charge with the domestic currency. You need to understand the key differences between them.

  • AC household charge using Wallbox:
    • Considered the most recommended and commonly used home charging option. 
    • Charging is done through a 230V outlet. It is 3-4 times much faster when compared to Trickle Charge based on the charger and your specific model’s acceptance rate. 
    • Proves to be useful if EV is charged overnight. Charging a fully 40kiWh battery vehicle takes approximately 6 hours. 
    • Found ideal if you own a driveway or a garage where it can be comfortably positioned. Find out if your local administration offers financial incentives to reduce purchase as well as installation costs. 
    • Dedicated Electric Vehicle charging wallbox installation necessary. Only a trained electrician should do its fitting to ensure optimum results and enhance safety. 
  • Trickle Charge: 
    • 3 prong, standard, 220V plug is used to charge the EV vehicle. It is generally offered with your vehicle. Plug directly the other end into your EV to start charging it. 
    • Any extra charging equipment is not desired. You simply charge your EV with the provided charger. 
    • Per-hour charging assures to deliver a range of approximately 13-16 km. 
    • The charging speed is 14 hours for approx. 200 km and in 5 hours for approx. 65 km. Charging is better done overnight. 

However, this type of charging is best recommended only in urgent cases if there is a low battery charge. It is advisable to use it only if you don’t have home installed AC wallbox or do not have enough battery charge to reach the nearest EV charging station near the south ex market.

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EV charging station in Kerala

Electriva charging station: A Comprehensive Guide

The truth is that people these days have realized the kind of negative impact that pollution has had on the overall environment. Natural calamities can be seen widespread across the globe, something nature is venting out. It is high time that the common people support their respective governments in the cause to protect the planet and the future of mankind! Controlling pollution is one of the most important steps!

Going the EV way

Fossil fuel-run vehicles like petrol and diesel had ruled the roads during the last century. But now, it is slowly giving way to electric vehicles (EVs) that are designed to be battery-operated. EV vehicles are considered to be quite safe as they do not use fossil fuels, thus not emitting those harmful toxic gases. With time, these vehicles have been modified to support the growing needs and demands of the common people. 

EV charging station

EV vehicles are getting popular not only in developed but also in developing countries like India. The EV charging station is regarded to be equipment designed to connect an EV with a reliable electricity source. The purpose is to recharge plug-in hybrids, neighborhood EVs, and electric cars. A few charging stations also are fitted with advanced features like network connectivity, cellular capability, and Smart metering while others are found to be more basic.

Other things about EV charging stations

Such stations are also referred to as EV supply equipment or EVSE short. You can find privately operated electriva charging stations at municipal parking locations or retail shopping centers and other locations in many parts of Delhi and its suburbs. Such stations offer special connectors to conform to the different standard types of electric charging connectors. Owners will need to charge their EV vehicle and ensure it runs smoothly. 

Charging speeds

EVSE of different types offers varying speeds of charging. 

  • Level 1 charging stations: They are found to use a 120 V, AC (Alternating current) plug. Also will be needed a dedicated circuit that offers a range of approximately 5 miles for every charging hour. 
  • Level 2 charging stations: They charge through an AC plug, 240V, and require the installation of public or home charging equipment. For every charging hour, they offer a range of 10-20 miles. These are the most commonly used chargers, charging at the same rate as that of a home system. 
  • Level 3 chargers: They are also called DC fast chargers. It uses DC (Direct Current) plug and 480V. It bypasses the onboard charger while providing the battery with DC electricity through a special charging port. For every 10 minutes, such chargers can offer a range of about 40 miles, however, not found compatible with every type of vehicle.
Meeting demands

The fact is that the demand for publicly available charging stations is growing at a fast pace with the increasing number of EVs on Indian roads. Hence, the need for equipment felt that offers and supports faster charging especially at higher voltages. This is a current something not accessible currently with residential EVSE. Ev charger in Delhi is designed to provide quick charging facilities to all types of EV vehicles, thus reducing considerably waiting times.

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